Citrus Thoughts

Checking the breakfast table and the fruit basket this morning, I was greeted by three fresh-looking lemons, which actually are sold at three for fifty pesos (Tatlo Singkwenta) in the Pasig Public Market.

When did lemons invade our diet? I asked. I also noticed that it's getting cheaper. But the lemon's fate is no different to what has happened now to our "calamansi," which is native to the Philippines. Calamansi has now invaded the hawker's stands of Singapore and Kuala Lumpur. It comes in handy for such business. I recall my culinary adventure years before in Malaysia. For citrus flavoring for noodles, juices, etc., they usually use fruits that are similar to our local "dayap" and "cabuyao." Quite expensive and also bulky for such hawker stands.

My lemon and citrus thoughts this morning brought me also to Magellan and his epic voyage. In the crossing of the Pacific, hunger and sickness struck the fleet. It was not just some sickness, it was this deadly disease called "scurvy." One literally wastes away, The symptoms start with a general lethargic feeling, weakness, etc. Then this terrible case of tongue and mouth sore. What we call in Tagalog as "singaw." As it progresses, the gums start to bleed and then rot away, Thereby frequently, the teeth fall off. The bones will also be affected, causing immobility until, finally,  death. The disease almost wiped out the entire crew of Magellan.

Scurvy is caused by a deficiency in vitamin C. The long voyage often deprives sailors the right nutrition, above of which are fruits and vegetables packed with vitamin C. It would take some more decades until the Age of Exploration finally finds out that scurvy could be prevented by taking citrus fruits, the Vitamin C needed.

So the "tatlo singwenta" turns out to be a lifesaver. It also gives me this recollection of our nanays or moms, reminding us to eat our vegetables and fruits.

By the way, Magellan and Pigafetta were spared from scurvy, never struck down by it. Perhaps their moms were indignant; "Take your vitamins!"


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