"Nagsabado sa Pasig " is the term being used to describe and glorify the Katipunan action in Pasig on August 29, 1896-Saturday. In the early weeks leading to that fateful day in August, the commander of the Spanish detachment in Pasig, the then Lt. Manuel B. Sityar had been noticing uncommon gatherings of men in the wee hours of the night in the areas of Pasig and Mandaluyong. But the rainy season had prevented him from investigating and learning more of these gatherings. In fact, one of the most important Katipunan meetings the "Asamblea Magna", happened in May of the same year in Pasig. Pasig town center in the late 1890s. Seen here is the church and also the waterway, the famous "Bitukang Manok" When news that the Katipunan was finally revealed, local Katipunan leader in Pasig, Gen. Valentin Cruz started sending secret feelers to the Katipuneros from different "visitas" or "barrios" around Pasig that uprising could happen ...