Manila - October 1897

Every picture tells a story: The city was adorned with triumphal arches celebrating the glory of the Spanish crown and the army. But no conquering Caesar was riding a chariot. What was seen instead was a bunch of young Spanish lads squeezed out of the depleting manpower of the empire. The needed reinforcement long-awaited by the loyal subjects of Spain had finally arrive d. Thousands of miles away, from her last dominion in the Caribbean, upheavals, and revolutions were raging. In Spain itself, agitation heightens each day as different political groups wrestle for attention: The liberals, the conservatives, and the anarchists. Manila was under Martial Law since August of '96. The fresh troops gave the city a false sense of security. Soon these soldiers would be put into action, to hunt down the revolutionaries in the forest, in the marshes and in the countrysides outside of Manila. Every picture tells a story: A man watches as troops cross the "Puente de EspaƱa'',...