Memories of Martial Law

If you go out to buy something at that time, people will always insist that your money: "Dapat may tatak ng Bagong Lipunan." Imagine that, the Marcos ideology, his envisioned new society seen in the most widely circulated object, nothing else but banknotes. The battle to win the minds of the people cleverly executed? Once in an afternoon, there was a commotion in the outski rt of our barrio; young people were shouting, "Nariyan na ang PC!" True enough, elements of the constabulary started rounding up young males with long hair. Ginupitan lahat ng long hair. The word curfew became a dreaded term because once caught in the forbidden hour of the night, you'll inevitably spend the rest of it in the precinto. And in the morning when you wake up behind bars, you'll probably hear the morning radio or even TV with the "Bagong Lipunan March." It was so monotonous and repetitive that up to now, the lyrics are still in my head. Law and government becam...