Of Cannibals And Explorers

Woodcut depicting cannibalism among natives in America, from 1509 German edition of Amerigo Vespucci's "Letters to Soderini", Strasbourg 1509.Artist- Anon On the Atlantic coast of South America, Magellan's fleet spent almost a year exploring the region and interchanging with its indigenous people. One interesting account by the Italian chronicler Pigafetta mentions about the cannibals of the land which is now present-day Brazil : "They eat the flesh of their enemies, not as good meat, but because they have adopted this custom. Now this custom arose as follows: an old woman of this place of Verzin (Brazil) had an only son, who was killed by his enemies, and, some days afterward, the friends of this woman captured one of the said enemies who had put her son to death, and brought him to where she was. Immediately the said old woman, seeing the man who was captured, and recollecting the death of her child, rushed upon him like a mad dog, and bit him on the s...