Vaccination -- That Holy Cow

In India where the number of Covid-19 cases rose in the last months, it was reported that certain people started smearing themselves with cow dung and urine. They believe it will boost their immunity, the cow being sacred in the Hindu religion, revered and protected -- The symbol of life itself. Of course, Indian doctors quickly discouraged what they label as outrageous. I am reminded of another Bovine incident two centuries ago that of an English doctor named Edward Jenner, who came up with the idea of introducing the virus of Cowpox (Variolae vaccinae) to the human body in order for it to develop antibodies against the said skin disease, seen first in cows and to other related pathogens such as deadly smallpox. "Vacca" is the Latin term for cow, obviously where we also get the Tagalog "baka", as influenced by Spanish which in turn was brought about by the maternal role of the Latin language to many European tongues. Thus Jenner's method we also know now as: ...