Henchmen of Aguinaldo (Tirador ni Aguinaldo)

The news material was from a Manila newspaper .1920s. The photo was just superimposed -- With Antonio Abad interviewing Janolino. Can anyone tell the reason for the existence and also the duty of the Kawit detachment, battalion, troop... whatever? Somehow it has a vague order and command. This group of Cavitenos perhaps had only one defined role, being the extra and ultra military exponent of Cavitismo and "Aguinaldismo" -- If I may say. They might have been true patriots at the beginning of the revolution, abled men who were with Aguinaldo during Cavite's glorious run against the Spanish Forces, but what happened to them after politics took its divisive role in the revolution was a different story. We define "henchman" in Tagalog as "tirador or the much blunt version perhaps would be "taga-tumba". The Bonifacio brothers were said to be , one of the first victims of the "tiradors" of Cavitismo. But there was a certain Col. Ignacio Paua...