Artemio Ricarte - "El Vibora"

He possessed the most lethal-sounding nom de guerre of his generation - El Vibora, the Viper. He once pointed out that he was there, at the early beginnings - the initial pace of the armed struggle. One of the many children of the events of 1872. He was initially associated with the Supremo and Cavite's Magdiwang council. In the attack he led against the Spanish garrison of San Francisco de Malabon (Gen Trias, Cavite), it is said that El Vibora, along with his men, posed as customers in a carenderia, waiting for the ideal time to launch the attack. The symbolism of the carenderia must have held significance for him, as he later named his restaurant-quasi tambayan "Karihan," in his place of exile - Yokohama, Japan. A man of contradictions, was he an "oportunista" or "segurista"? And although he was Ilocano by birth, he is undoubtedly a fine specimen of "cavitismo." This owes to his true loyalty to his adoptive province. He remained ...