
Showing posts from January, 2023

Katipunan in Mindanao - Restituto Javier - "MAPANGAHAS" (1873- 1936)

Restituto Javier shared a kinship with Supremo Andres Bonifacio, both hailing from Tondo, Manila. A close comrade and confidant of the Supremo, their bond predates the inception of the Katipunan. Much like Bonifacio, Javier was employed at the German firm Fressel & Company, where Bonifacio assumed the role of bodeguero, overseeing the warehouse. However, Javier held the position of an agent (personero) for the company. These circumstances likely paved the way for his early involvement in the ranks of the Katipunan. He adopted the nom de guerre "Mapangahas"." In the wake of Katipunan's attack of Pinaglabanan in 1896, Javier was arrested and s entenced to life imprisonment on charges of sedition and rebellion, he found himself exiled to the distant Penón de la Gomera, Africa—a Spanish military outpost which also served as detention facility for political prisoners and rebels. On this rocky island, Javier toiled alongside fellow inmates, comprising Cuban and Filipin...