Guillermo Masangkay (1867-1963) "ALAKDAN"

Alakdan In 1935, a group of Manila newspapers undertook a project to find out who was still alive among the original founders and members of the Katipunan Methodically, the said veterans, "Sons of the People" were searched in Manila and the suburbs. Through meticulous research and inquiry, no more than thirty were successfully identified and located. One of those approached to give his opinion to the initiative was none other than Guillermo Masangkay, one of the early members of the Katipunan Guillermo Masangkay found it hard to accept that only 25 of the original founders of Katipunan surfaced. He promptly voiced his disbelief, stating, "It can't be possible that there are 25 original founders of Katipunan who are still alive today as as published in certain section of the Manila press. There are hundreds of the original thousands are living in obscurity who tore up their cedulas in Kangkong where the first cry of rebellion was made. and they are not heard from be...