
Showing posts from June, 2023

Commentaries on the History of the Founding Of Pasig

An official report dated 30 April 1575 of the 2nd Capitulo or provincial chapter held by the Augustinians (The first --May 3, 1572) From Archivo de los Padres Agustinos de Filipinas (APAF) in Valladolid. This was the first time "conventus de Passin" (the convent of Pasig) was mentioned. The signatures belonged to Fray Martin de Rada, Francisco Ortega, Alonso de Alvarado, Diego Mujeca, "definitores" of the province. Assigned as Prior of the convetn was Fray Juan de Alba and assisted by Juan de Penalosa. The patron was the  Virgin of the Visitation. (Courtesy of Prof. Danilo Gerona)   FRAY MARTIN DE RADA I embarked on my own 'studium' to delve into an issue that has been a matter of dispute in Pasig for some timeā€”the date of its foundation. I scoured the available materials in my personal library for information. In my research, I stumbled upon a book I acquired in the late 1980s. While I may have perused it or even read certain chapters, the specifics had fa...