Of Knights and Crosses - My High School Alma Mater

The young children of Pasig Parochial School 1935 The photo highlights my high school Alma Mater-- Pasig Catholic College (1935). Back then, PCC was known as just a small parochial school offering primary to secondary education. There are a couple of interesting things to see in the photo. First, there's the banner in the background featuring a cross. To be more specific, it is a "Maltese Cross," characterized by its eight pointed edges. This banner symbolizes the medieval Catholic order known as the Order of Knights of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem, or simply "The Knights Hospitaller," founded in Jerusalem during the turbulent years of the Crusades. During our student days at PCC, we often wondered why the Belgian fathers (CICM) used such symbols as Templar Knights, medieval crosses, and the Crusades. Are they somehow connected to the legend that Catholic military orders, such as the Knights Templar and the Knights Hospitaller, still exist secretly? W...