The Harry Stonehill Story

Harry Stonehill In less than two decades of his stay in the Philippines, Harry Stonehill was able to build a business empire reputedly valued at around 50 million US dollars. The 18 corporations he started in the country were pioneering and high-earning business ventures, some of which still exist today. From tobacco to glass manufacturing, to cement production and publishing, Stonehill was an uncanny businessman, never ceasing in his search for new ventures. Reclaiming parts of Manila Bay and turning it into an opulent district was his original idea. Harry Stonehill was turning the country into his business playground when suddenly his luck turned sour. In 1960, he was subjected to a congressional investigation on alleged tax evasion charges. What happened next in the following years was a series of events falling into place, exposing Stonehill's alleged illegal business activities. Allegations of bribery, influence peddling, and economic sabotage surfaced. Known government offici...