Dr. Reinhold Rost: The Other German

If Jose Rizal regarded Ferdinand Blumentritt as "Bruder" (brother) and found in him a deep bond, then Reinhold Rost undoubtedly assumes the role of Rizal's "Ersatzvater" (a surrogate father). Though Rost spent most of his life in England and served as the head librarian at the India Office Library in London, his origins trace back to Germany. Like Jagor, Virchow, Meyer, Blumentritt, Schuchardt, and Schadenberg, Rost belongs to the esteemed ranks of the German intelligentsia who had the privilege of knowing Rizal. The only distinction lies in the language of their communication - Rost corresponded with Rizal in English. T hat's why Filipinos would never ever need translation to understand the deep admiration Rost had with Rizal . One of Rost's letters to Rizal, dated April 26, 1895, reads: "Your letter was received with jubilant rejoicing by the family. If we could but do something towards bringing you back here to settle permanently among us and...