
Showing posts from October, 2024

Francis of Assisi and Giotto di Bondone -- Reflections On The Middle Ages

Saint Francis of Assisi Receiving the Stigmata ca. 1295-1300 by Giotto   Ora et labora... et bella? The life of a peasant in Medieval Europe was often perceived as insignificant, a relentless struggle for survival marked by scarce resources and complete dependence on the landlord. God’s presence loomed heavily over their daily lives, shaping their thoughts and actions. Ora et labora —"pray and work"—was the essence of their existence? As temporal authorities, the Church, and the nobility vied for dominance over society, peasants and serfs were often met with disdain and suspicion. Their essential role in sustaining the very foundation of society was frequently overlooked. Ironically, the oppressive structure of feudalism was sometimes justified as the divine will. The Medieval period was also punctuated by wars or "bella" that brought forth figures of renown from both noble and warrior ranks. Yet amidst the violence and political intrigue of the 13th-century Italia